Sean Gasiorowski
Sean is a research associate at SLAC, working with Daniel Ratner and Youssef Nashed in the ML Initiative, and Kazuhiro Terao and Michael Kagan in the Fundamental Physics Directorate. His current work centers around differentiable simulation and inverse problem solving, with applications to detector simulation and 3D reconstruction in the DUNE and MAGIS experiments. Sean completed his Ph.D. at the University of Washington with Anna Goussiou, focusing on the full Run-2 ATLAS results for searches for di-Higgs production in the four b-quark final state.
2021: Ph.D., Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
2018: M.Sc., Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
2016: B.A., Physics (with honors), B.S. Mathematics (with honors), University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA